Incremental Advantages in the Olympus 3.0

It’s not quite tits deep out there but that familiar kiwi cold – the one that shows your breath indoors and calls for a beanie at all hours of the day – has come a-knocking once more… READ MORE...

Post Ski: Making The Most Of The Holidays

You’ve survived the faff of getting everyone up the mountain; the kids forgetting their gloves; the moguls at Treble Cone; trying not to deck yourself in the park at Cardrona to impress your mates. You’ve pushed those not so ski-fit legs to the end of their tether and feel that… READ MORE...

Lessons learned from 26,700 days on snow

Feet. They are usually the last thing you think about, but arguably the first thing that will end a day on the mountain quicker than anything else. Here at Mons we decided to count the entire staffs’ collective seasons, between us we have amassed 267 winters on snow… READ MORE...

The wonders of your solar system

Think of yourself as a planet. You have a lovely hot core that helps sustain life, but to survive you need an atmosphere (clothes if you’ve lost the analogy). The more layers there are in our atmosphere the more protected you are from harmful elements, which means life/good times are more likely to flourish… READ MORE...

A love letter to winter

The first Mountain Commandment: Thou shalt not squander a powder day. If you ski or snowboard patience is not a virtue you learn, it is something that Mother Nature rubs your nose in for three seasons of every year… READ MORE...


Dropppping! ROAD TO CRANKWORX follows our Mons athlete’s on their journey to Crankworx Innsbruck, Austria, for the second stop of Crankworx World tour 2018. This four-part series sees Conor Macfarlane, Peter Kaiser and their crew travel from New Zealand through Europe before hitting the Dual Speed & Style at Crankworx Innsbruck. READ MORE...

Pre Season In The Hills

It’s late autumn and the weather fronts are starting to stack up in the Southern Ocean under New Zealand’s South Island. Quietly and almost imperceptibly the first skiers and snowboarders trickle down from the Northern hemisphere to make seasonal homes in Queenstown and Wanaka… READ MORE...

Getting strong for winter

Winter is well and truly on her way, and we all know what that means. We can almost taste those first turns. Long overdue, anticipation builds on that first chairlift before adrenalin takes over, invigorated by the sharp cold air as we rush downhill for the first time… READ MORE...


The ratio of fur coats to faded Gore-tex in Verbier, Switzerland leans fiercely towards the former. This exclusive resort can be prohibitively expensive, but the big mountains that host the Freeride World Tour final have also sheltered impoverished ski-bums chasing their dreams for decades… READ MORE...

Crankworx Rotorua Wrap Up

High energy and high vibes accompanied the 4th edition of the Mons Royale Dual Speed & Style over at Crankworx Rotorua this past week! As always, Crankworx delivered an amazing show with riders, exhibitors and spectators alike enjoying the event through rain and shine! Check out our wrap up of the action… READ MORE...
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