Feet. They are usually the last thing you think about, but arguably the first thing that will end a day on the mountain quicker than anything else.
Here at Mons we decided to count the entire staffs’ collective seasons, between us we have amassed 267 winters on snow. Let’s say that each season has an average 100 days, that equals approximately 26,700 days on snow. By anyone’s standards that’s a lot.
Do you know what the best-selling piece of gear in our staff shop is? Socks. Why? Because all that experience teaches you that if your feet aren’t happy then your day isn’t going to last as long as it could. I’ve done 26 winter seasons and the first thing I tell anyone is to spend your money getting your boots and bindings right. The difference between a $400 and $800 pair of skis or snowboard is not that huge, the difference between a $200 and $400 pair of boots is massive and the same goes for bindings.
But socks are just as important, why put a set of rubbish socks that ride up and hold moisture inside a pair of epic boots? Heres 3 reasons why you should be wearing Merino:
It doesn’t smell
Is super breathable
Keeps you warm even when wet
So no matter how hard you ride a solid set of boots and sock will let you stay on the hill until your legs give out, rather than your feet.
See you on the hill.